How To Re-Program Your Subconscious Mind
The 6 Simple Steps Audio Programs will help you change and replace those limiting beliefs and unhealthy habits that are stopping you from reaching your full potential.
These unique brain-based audio programs combine neuroscience, modern psychology, NLP and aromatherapy to successfully reprogram your subconscious mind with positive thoughts and emotions leading to new habits, beliefs and behaviours.
Change and replace limiting beliefs and unhealthy habits that are stopping you from achieving your ideal vision
Understand the power of your own thinking to clear limiting beliefs and self-sabotage holding you back.
Effortlessly create a new positive self-image as you unlock your natural talents and abilities and break-free from not feeling good enough!
Increase your own personal power to absolutely believe that you CAN achieve your goals with clear purpose and direction.
Form new thought patterns within your brain so your new thoughts, new images can become your identity.
"Everything is first created in the mind before it becomes physical"
You will receive added bonus audio tracks to support you from AM to PM.
One FREE Wifsom Aroma Inhaler to use during and outside of the audio program, to help you activate your desired state anytime of the day.
Easy to follow and download on your laptop, smartphone giving you access 24/7 365 days.
No more waiting for your weekly or monthly coaching call and costly coaching packages.
All Audio programs are recorded using theta brain entrainment music. The background music will heal your mind and body from fears, limiting beliefs you have formed over the years.
Theta state is the gateway to the subconscious mind. The only way to reprogram the subconscious mind is through repetition of new ideas, new information until it becomes automatic, a new habit. Your Subconscious program is then re-written which becomes your reality.
Reach out for Wifsom and get ready to be transformed.